AK47 vs AR-15: Key Differences Explained
In the world of firearms, the AK47 and AR-15 stand out as two of the most iconic and widely used rifles. While they may appear similar at first glance, key differences... Read more.
Vism 30-Slot Picatinny Rail Cover Review
The Vism Picatinny Rail Cover (DLG-077B) is an inexpensive option for covering your AR-15s Picatinny rail. This rail cover protects unmounted rail areas while... Read more.
Advantages of Two-Stage AR-15 Triggers
This article will explore the advantages of two-stage triggers over single-stage triggers commonly used in AR applications and why precision shooters and professionals... Read more.
Does the Magnifier Go Before or After the Red Dot On an AR-15?
Many AR-15 owners prefer to use a magnifier with a red dot sight for improved accuracy at longer distances. However, there is some debate about the optimal placement... Read more.
HK MP5 22 LR Review
This HK MP5 22 LR review will analyze this rifle's features, accuracy, performance, and value. By the end of this article, you'll have all the information you need... Read more.
Crimson Trace CTS-25 Compact Red Dot Review
We explore the features, installation, battery life, durability, performance, and much more of this red dot sight.... Read more.
What to Consider When Buying a Home Defense Firearm
Several important factors must be considered when deciding on a home defense firearm. It's crucial to choose the right gun that suits your specific needs and ensures... Read more.
AI’s Best Carry Concealed Handguns Picks
Ever wonder what artificial intelligence would choose as the best carry a concealed handgun? We did, and we have it here: AI's Best Carry Concealed Handguns List.... Read more.
What does ACP Mean in Ammo?
Today, we will tackle a commonly asked question: What does ACP mean in ammo? ACP is an abbreviation that stands for "Automatic Colt Pistol."... Read more.
Five Guns Most People Should Own and Why
This "Five Guns You Should Own and Why" blog post will explore the five guns most people should own for safety and peace of mind.... Read more.