I will be stripping down my LE Trade-in Glock 22 because, like the Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm makeover I did, I plan to do some makeover work on the Glock.
Cleaning the Glock 22
Field Strip and Clean your Glock 22 Welcome to our comprehensive guide on field stripping and cleaning the Glock 22, a task essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of your firearm. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a newcomer to handguns, understanding the disassembling and cleaning of your Glock 22 is important. This blog […]
Spartan Overthrow AR-15 Build
In this blog, we will take you through every step of this build, from selecting components to assembly, and provide insights, recommendations, and insider tips to ensure your AR-15 is not only a formidable tool but also a work of art. So, prepare to channel your inner warrior and join us on this journey as we conquer the world of Spartan Overthrow AR-15 builds.
Iridescent AR-15 Build
We’ll explore the selection of components, assembly techniques, and finishing touches that will transform your firearm into a true work of art. Join us as we unveil the crafting an AR-15 that gleams with an ever-changing spectrum of colors, turning heads at the range and beyond.
K-9s as Part of Your Self-Defense Plan
So, you want a dog to protect your home and your family…. well, I can tell you from my experience as a police K-9 handler and dog trainer that there is more to it than what the average person realizes. Let me be clear that I am a big proponent of using K-9s as part […]